A SIMPLE LIFE dont always mean simple

[Practising My English] A life's story had always been an amazing story to tell to anyone.i w0nder if i ever had an interesting m0ment to be shared while im in UTM Skudai. well, im n0t so excited to be here.nevermind.l0ng st0ry,sh0rt mem0ries.
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i've been sitting in my r0om when i was suddenly thinking of a special person in Terengganu. i did keep thinking of him everyday in my life actually.first l0ve?maybe.why maybe?c0z im afraid that i d0nt really understand the meaning of first l0ve.the real meaning of it.
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i c0uld still see the first time when we were met face to face. it was on 24th January 2009. i've been kn0wing him f0r over 3 years back then. never meet him bef0re. he was wearing a black sweater and a jeans that day. i was so nerv0us that i hit him on his sh0ulder after juz saying hye.haha. not with a large amount of energy on that one hit but pity him!hehe. he's tall,that was my first expressi0n.never expected that.
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we spent that day with just talked to each other, walked, watched m0vie and all of what u c0uld p0ssibly think of d0ing when u spend ur day outside of ur h0use. it was just a simple date but n0t f0r a pers0n who was actually fell in love. >,<
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im grateful to have s0me0ne that i l0ve m0st in my life besides my family of c0urse. i really do live in a life which is full of love.l0ve them!

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life isnt easy as spelling it on paper. i n0ticed that.s0meh0w pe0ple make life even harder than i c0uld imagine.My life. . . . .a l0t to say on that.everyb0dy have their own percepti0n on life, id0nt kn0w ab0ut y0ur th0ughts, n0r do i care.
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back to me, currently studying in Skudai,h0ping there will be a week h0liday regarding to the H1N1 cases.l0ts of pe0ple were dying. it's hunting s0me of us but we can do n0thing ab0ut it[n0, i d0nt really mean the 'n0thing']. h0nestly, i can c0unt on my fingers on h0w many pe0ple are wearing mask elsewhere. frightening.
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s0me of my classmates are on their way back to their h0me.n0,n0, n0t caused by the H1N1 cases. h0mesick,pr0bably. and, darn it,my friend and I have to c0mplete one of our GR0UP assgmnts.yeah, n0t so easy to be ME. d0nt misunderstand on what i was just saying.
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ah,18th August 2009. graduati0n day. hurm...it was seri0usly sad if n0body fr0m y0ur family (or even y0ur l0ver) c0mes to the graduati0n day to see u on stage. i wasnt really into the emoti0n at first because 2 days bef0re that day, i was h0me, met everyb0dy. And bef0re that, i didnt really mind when my father said he's s0rry f0r n0t c0ming. but then, THAT DAY,(just imagine), everyb0dy was with their family, gathered, t0ok pictures there and there, and suddenly deep2 inside y0ur heart, or even deeper than that, u miss ur family,h0ping there will be s0meb0dy there, may be woth fl0wers on their hands, or perhaps a camera, ready to take y0ur pictures elsewhere.Ah, i felt that once. lucky i g0t my friend, who was actually in the same situation juz like me.but i felt lluckier than her.she isnt back h0me yet since the first day we were here,in Skudai.Walaweyh.
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it wasnt just st0p there. a day after, i w0ke up fr0m my bed, and i saw fl0wers on my r0omate's table.ah~~i d0nt really2 fancy fl0wers.but s0meh0w i h0pe even 0nce in my life, s0meb0dy w0uld give it to me. cant wait f0r my graduati0n day after i finish my study here!i'll get th0se fl0wers f0r sure!haha.
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and life really is upredictable!within my sadness m0ments on my graduation day,still,a day after, my l0ve 0ne called me. and guess what, he's g0ing to w0rk in J0hor!!!insyaALLAH.eventh0ugh the place of w0rk will be in Segamat, who cares, right?that place is much,much,much preferrable than where he is in n0w.
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and i h0pe my life in Skudai will be much,much,much meaningful. . .




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